Public Notice

General public is hereby informed that my client M/s Cantabil Retial India Ltd. is a well reputed company engaged in the business of manufacturing and retailing of garments under the brand name of "Cantabil" and various other registered Trade Marks i,e. "Cantabil Italy" "Crozo" "Lil'Potatoes etc and having copyright over various Logo's. My client is a Limited company having 300 showrooms all over India and is having a turnover of approx. Rs 292 Crores per annum. That some unauthorized company i.e. M/s, M/s, M/s, M/s The one day and M/s My oufit shop and some other frauds are frequently using the brand name and Trade mark of the company i.e. M/s Cantabil Retail India Ltd./ my client and is posting the same on social media like Facebook etc.. Such firms/ entities do not have any relation with the complainant and they do not have any authority to publish any advertisement on behalf of my client. They are also selling the garments through social media by using the brand name of my client. My client has not given any authority to these entities to offer any sale of garments of the company through social media. That my client sell the garments through its showroom and official website i.e. Therefore public at large is made hereby informed to keep away from these frauds as if they shall deal with any of these frauds, they shall do it at their own risk and consequences and my client will not be responsible for the same


Gagan Chawla

Advocate D-984/2006